Capricorn is standing between Aquarius and Sagittarius rather as an observer. Knowing they will need a mutual bridge to get as air close to fire. Together they create an explosion amongst their enemies.
Pisces needs to move forward as an observant rather than in action. Moving backward towards romantic ties with Aries.
Taurus and Gemini have space to interact more but having a middle ground is also important for the wheel of fortune can move things around.
Leo feels more isolated but as the wheel spins it will have the final word.
Cancer is feeling the pride at his seasonal changes, perhaps more times with less spotlight can bring more romance.
Virgo, Libra and Scorpio are leading the charge of duty. Be it civil or job related they have hard work on their shoulders. And could really use each one's assistance. With Scorpio and Taurus at perfect alignment. So are pisces and Virgo.
Hope you enjoyed today's graphs.